August'23 Council Corner

As we all know, the International Skål Council (ISC) is coming to the end of its role in the Skål International as we get ready to the Skål International road to Transformation at the beginning of 2024.

The ISC have been part of the Transformation as a number of Councillors have been a major part of it and the ISC have been involved in making sure that their Clubs and Areas are well versed and are preparing for the changes coming in 2024.

Young Skål 

The ISC Board through our Vice Predisent Asuman Tariman has worked for years to get Young Skål recognised as a very crucial part of Skål International. We are all aware of the challenges we have had with Young Skål. However, doing away with them is not a solution as They Are the Future of Skål International. Many International Skål Councillors believe we cannot do away with Young Skål/Young Professional. It is very important that we find a way to address this.

Young Skål is on the agenda for the Membership Development Committee who are looking at all at all the proposal that have been suggested. ISC would like to request that Young Skål/Professional must be part each Club’s membership.

Membership Development Fund  

Membership Development Fund (MDF) is another important area that the ISC feel must be relooked at. If membership is what makes Skål International, ISC would like to request that the Skål International Executive Board have funds budgeted and allocated for MDF and not leave this to fund raising. The money currently available for MDF is not enough to carry out the development of memberships.

ISC suggested that Host Exchange Program to raise funds for MDF. ISC work group has been formed to prepare a framework with guidelines and criteria for a Host/Exchange Program/Packages for an online auction to raise funds for the MDF. For example, Skålleagues/Clubs will offer a ‘home stay’ with various inclusions at a value to be auctioned online.

Membership category classification   

ISC at our midyear meeting has suggested the consideration of a number of new category classification of membership as below which we hope the Executive Board will approve: 

  • Arts, Culture and Events

  • Tour Guides

  • Cultural Arts

  • Travel Bloggers

  • Philanthropical Tourism

Trade Fairs   

The ISC have collate trade shows/fairs in their areas that may be of benefit to Skål International members and information has been forwarded to ‘Advocacy, Global Partnerships and Trade Shows Committee’.

Florimond Volckaert Month   

ISC work group will be formed to organise an annual ‘celebration month’ of Florimond Volckaert. Proposed months from July to end of October 2023.

Clubs will be expected to raise funds locally at their monthly meeting for the FVF whilst celebrating the history of Skål International and its founder through social media campaigns and EDM’s to celebrate Florimond Volckaert Month from all Skål International Clubs and National/Area Committees.

We look forward to getting support from all Clubs towards this great gift to FVF and thank Councillor Birgit and Skål International Monaco.


Julie Dabaly Scott

International Skål Council President 2023